Thank you for participating in the Fishers Island Golf Fundraiser on October 1, 2024. Using the form below, Foursome Captains can choose to pay only for themselves, or they can include payment for the other players on their team. (Individual golfers making payment should include the name of their foursome captain in the optional message box). This form can also be used for those who are interested in becoming a sponsor of the golf event. If you have any questions, please contact Laurel Lyle at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you in October!

Please note: By submitting payment associated with this event, you indicate you understand and agree that:

  • Only a limited number of players can be accommodated at this event, and Cure Alzheimer’s Fund finalizes the player list far ahead of time. Thus, this payment will not be refunded for any reason unless Cure Alzheimer’s Fund cancels the event. In the highly unlikely event that the management of Fishers Island Club determines that severe weather precludes safe play on October 1, 2024, the event will be rescheduled.
  • Your participation is voluntary, and you understand, accept, and assume all risks associated with the event, including but not limited to personal injury and property damage or loss. You release and waive any right to pursue any and all legal claims against Cure Alzheimer’s Fund and Fishers Island Club and all employees of both organizations related to your participation in this event.