Posted January 19, 2011
We note with great sorrow the passing of Sargent Shriver. Another victim of Alzheimer’s disease.
Shriver and his family have made tremendous contributions to American society through the Peace Corps, Special Olympics and so many other positive initiatives to affect the lives of people left out, left behind or disenfranchised in some way. His spirit and the determination of his wife Eunice infused this hardy and bold clan with creativity, energy and humor to challenge the most daunting of human conditions.
Maria Shriver and her brothers carry on this noble work, with Maria now paying special attention to the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. From her wonderful children’s book, “What’s Happening to Grandpa” to her testimony on Capitol Hill for the need for more resources for Alzheimer’s care and research, Maria has become a true champion of the Alzheimer’s community .
We grieve for her, her family and the loss to America of one of its great and beneficent characters.