Posted November 28, 2011
Dr. Rudy Tanzi and co-founder of USAgainstAlzheimer’s George Vradenburg recently wrote a letter to the editor of the L.A. Times rebuking the editorial “Is Alzheimer’s Inevitable?” published Nov. 21. They write:
“Currently, 5.4 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, a number that is expected to triple over the next decade. Of the 10 most deadly diseases, only Alzheimer’s has no cure, treatment or other means of prevention. However, with the right leadership we can develop an aggressive plan of action to enhance research funding and stop this disease.”
The full letter can be viewed here as well as below.
Re “Is Alzheimer’s inevitable?,” Editorial, Nov. 21
The Times poses the wrong question.
Many researchers believe it is possible to stop Alzheimer’s by 2020 with a national plan and committed investment. And the stakes couldn’t be higher.
Currently, 5.4 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, a number that is expected to triple over the next decade. Of the 10 most deadly diseases, only Alzheimer’s has no cure, treatment or other means of prevention. However, with the right leadership we can develop an aggressive plan of action to enhance research funding and stop this disease.
Alzheimer’s is not merely part of aging. It is a horrific disease that strips people of their dignity and leaves families struggling to care for them. Nevertheless, we can stop Alzheimer’s just like we stopped polio. But first we must ask how, not if.
George Vradenburg
Rudy Tanzi
Cambridge, Mass.
Vradenburg is co-founder of USAgainstAlzheimers. Tanzi is the director of Harvard University‘s Genetics and Aging Research Unit.