Posted May 9, 2019
Courtney Vanderlinde is hosting this event in honor of her mother Heidi, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at the age of 49 and is currently living with the disease.
Donation to participate is $50 per person, kids 12 and under are free.
Your $50 registration fee will go to Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. 100% of funds raised by Cure Alzheimer’s Fund go directly to research.
Learn tips and tricks on locating Morels
Learn how to identify Morels
Learn how to clean and store Morels
Learn how to prepare Morels with a live cooking demo, enjoy samples and new recipes!
Prizes for the first, largest, most morels found, and for the participant who raises the most funds! Keep what you find!
*Please note, as Morels only grow in the wild, it is not a guarantee everyone will find some.
*Dress accordingly for the woods, there are things like sharp branches, poison ivy, and ticks.
Registration highly recommended — Limited spots available.
To register online and for more information please visit us at: www.MorelsAndMemories.org
We are also excited to announce Music by Squad Car Denny & The TomKatz this year!