For the last 11 years Stephanie Moody, 46, has had an annual Halloween Party at her barn in Boxford, Mass., with costumes, a band and all the usual festivities. But this year she decided to do something different.
Stephanie had spent time with family friends Joanne and Brian O’Keefe on a trip and realized the three of them shared a passion for fighting Alzheimer’s disease, since they’ve all been touched by it in some way. “My grandmother was recently diagnosed and Joanne’s mother and aunts all have the disease,” says Stephanie. “So this year we decided that we should use the party as a way to give back.”
Before the party began, Moody’s father spoke about the disease and Cure Alzheimer’s Fund’s goal to find a cure. He explained the organization’s unique approach—using all donations solely for research instead of operating costs. “My friends were very moved,” she says. “We asked them to support us in the fight against Alzheimer’s and together we raised $4,500.” It was certainly a Halloween to remember.