Katie McCullough and Charlie Schrier

Dear friends and family,

As some of you know, Alzheimer’s has left it’s mark on our families – our maternal grandmothers, Kay Monroe and Mary Carr, have been struck by the disease. This personal connection has underscored the cruelty of ALZ and the unique challenges faced by those who have it, their loved ones, and caretakers. The impact is far-reaching.

While there have been considerable advances in understanding Alzheimer’s and curbing its damaging effects, continued research is critical – not only to improve the care and treatment for those suffering – but ultimately lead to its prevention!

Consequently, we find ourselves motivated to help the cause and have set up a donation page with the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund as part of our wedding registry. 100% of donation dollars goes directly to research! We hope you will consider making a donation as your wedding gift to us!

Katie and Charlie
