Meytal Landau, B. Pharm, MSc, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Technion Faculty of Biology: Visitor Group Leader EMBL Hamburg; Associate Member, Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany

Dr. Meytal Landau holds a B. Pharm from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a Ph.D. degree from Tel-Aviv University, and conducted her postdoctoral research at UCLA with Prof. David Eisenberg. Landau heads a research lab at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and is establishing a new lab at the CSSB, affiliated with DESY and the UKE, Hamburg, Germany. The lab focuses on microbial and antimicrobial amyloids associated with infections and their connection to neurodegenerative diseases.

The group pioneered atomic-level analysis of bacterial and eukaryotic amyloids involved in cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity, and exposed an extreme structural diversity, extending beyond canonical amyloid cross-β structures. In particular, the discovery of a novel class of cross-α amyloid fibrils of toxic peptides presented a unique protein architecture, offered drug targets and leads, and opened a fresh perspective to study amyloid-related toxicity.

Dr. Landau has received more than 20 awards and honors, including the Biophysical Society’s Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award (2019) and the Wolf Foundation’s Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research (2018).

Funded Research

These projects were made possible from Cure Alzheimer's Fund support.

Selected Publications

These published papers resulted from Cure Alzheimer’s Fund support.

Golan, N., Parizat, A., Tabachnikov, O., Barnea, E., Olsen, W. P., Otzen, D. E., & Landau, M. Resilience and Charge-Dependent Fibrillation of functional amyloid: Interactions of Pseudomonas Biofilm-Associated FapB and FapC Amyloids, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, December 18, 2024, Read More

Indig, R. Y., & L|au, M. Designed inhibitors to reduce amyloid virulence and cytotoxicity and combat neurodegenerative and infectious diseases, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, May 15, 2023, Read More

Rayan, B., Barnea, E., Khokhlov, A., Upcher, A., & Landau, M. Differential fibril morphologies and thermostability determine functional roles of Staphylococcus aureus PSMα1 and PSMα3, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, July 4, 2023, Read More

Ragonis-Bachar, P., Axel, G., Blau, S., Ben-Tal, N., Kolodny, R., & Landau, M. What can AlphaFold do for antimicrobial amyloids?, Proteins, October 19, 2023, Read More