Posted November 9, 2021
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund to host conversation with Dr. Erik Musiek
In honor of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund will host Dr. Erik Musiek for a live webinar on Tuesday, Nov. 30, on the topic of SLEEP! AND ITS IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE HEALTH OF OUR BRAINS. The webinar is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
In his lab at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Dr. Musiek is focused on identifying and understanding the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in the brain. In addition to his research, Dr. Musiek sees patients in the Memory Diagnostic Center and is an investigator in the Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.
He is also Co-Director of the Center On Biological Rhythms And Sleep at Washington University, a multidisciplinary research center focused on understanding the role of sleep and circadian rhythms in human health.
“As a clinician scientist focused on the role of sleep and circadian rhythm in preserving brain health, Dr. Musiek has a holistic perspective on the science of sleep that is rare and valuable,” said Meg Smith, Executive Vice President of Research Management for Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. “He is a wonderful clinician to his patients and translates their experience into cutting-edge research. I am grateful that our community will get to hear from someone who really understands how directly quality of sleep issues impact quality of life, and who can share what is known and being studied about the interplay between sleep and healthy brain functioning all the way down to the molecular level.”
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is a nonprofit organization that provides grants to the most promising research to prevent, slow or reverse Alzheimer’s disease. Since its founding in 2004, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has contributed $132 million to research. Its funded initiatives have been responsible for several key breakthroughs—including the groundbreaking Alzheimer’s in a Dish™ model. With 100% of donations going directly to research, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has been able to support many of the best scientific minds in the field of Alzheimer’s research.