As many of you know, Alzheimer’s Disease is something close to me and my family. We lost my grandmother in 2015, but she had been diganosed with the disease for over 10 years before she died. Watching the disease progress was very hard for myself and for my family.
Our Mom-Mom was always such a joy – lighthearted, funny, and wore her dress to church every Sunday. I am in awe of how she managed her life with grace during many, many trying times. I wish I had a chance to know her as an adult, when I could really give her the thanks she deserved.
Now, I am hoping I can raise money to help cure this awful disease in her honor. I am heading out to hike the Appalachian Trail on 4/18/2017 and hope to raise $1 for each mile, or $2,189. I really, truly believe this will be what keeps me going on the days I want to quit. Knowing that friends and family of mine have plegded their money to something close to me is motivation like no other.
I have chosen the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund as my receipent. While there are many, many worthy charities out there doing work for Alzheimer’s and care givers, personally, I believe finding a cure is the most important aspect.
Please, please consider donating anything you are able and I promise to keep you in mind (and send you pictures!) while I am out on the trail.
Here’s a fun little breakdown of what your dontations equate to for me!
- $21.89 – 1 cent per mile
- $109.45 – 5 cents per mile
- $218.90 – 10 cents per mile
- $328.35 – 15 cents per mile
- $547.25 – 25 cents per mile