Mary Nunes Nascimento was a beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Tragically, she was also a victim of Alzheimer’s for seven years before it took her life and left her family grieving.
Mary and her husband, Joseph Nascimento, shared a loving life together for 67 years until his death from Lewy Body Dementia.
Mary worked in the garment industry in her home city of Fall River, Massachusetts for many years. She had many talents, including sewing, crocheting and doing needlepoint.
Mary suffered many hardships in her childhood, the tragedy of being orphaned at 12 years old, and the resulting foster care she was made to endure. Yet she found the inner strength to become a loving wife, mother and friend. Her family was her greatest joy.
She was an advocate of equality and fair play. As an International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union shop steward, she fought to have Christmas Day become a paid holiday. Mary was a generous, hard-working, thoughtful, strong and loving woman. She will always be missed by those who knew and loved her.