Posted July 10, 2015
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is pleased to see the passage of the 21st Centuries Cures Act in the House of Representatives. The overwhelming bipartisan support for the bill shows the need for legislation to improve the process of getting to cures for life-threatening diseases like Alzheimer’s.
The legislation calls for increased investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with a focus on innovation, speed, safety, and improving the lives of people suffering from deadly diseases.
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund worked closely with both Republican & Democratic staff throughout the legislative process to improve the bill and we are quite pleased with its focus on increasing vital and necessary resources to research. Because Cure Alzheimer’s Fund believes you cannot know the cure until you know the cause, this increased investment in research will be very important to ultimately finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund congratulates Chairman Fred Upton & Congresswoman Diana DeGette, who have spent almost 2 years working tirelessly on this legislation. Their efforts led to a unanimous vote in the Energy & Commerce Committee and today’s victory in the House. Cure Alzheimer’s Fund salutes the staff of the Energy & Commerce Committee, who have worked so hard for so long on this bill, and the members of the Committee and House who support this bill and its goals to speed the development of cures for deadly diseases like Alzheimer’s. The process of drafting the legislation was truly open and collaborative, and this is reflected in the wide margin by which the bill passed the House.
Over 700 organizations, including Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, other disease-related nonprofits, patient advocacy groups, universities, biopharmaceutical companies and others, stated their support of the 21st Century Cures Act.