Posted April 5, 2010
By Tim Armour
Every 70 seconds, another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s — that’s over 5 million Americans suffering from this devastating disease each and every day.
But today, we have the unique opportunity to perform one simple act that could make a big difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s.
Through the Pepsi Refresh Project, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has the chance to win a $250,000 grant that would fund the groundbreaking research that will help us find a cure to this destructive disease.
But we need your help to make this funding a reality!
Just visit www.refresheverything.com/curealzheimers and click “vote for this idea.” Then register with Pepsi Refresh by entering your email and password so you can easily vote every day!
We started Cure Alzheimer’s Fund because we want to find a cure now. We’re the only organization with a roadmap to a cure — we just need the funding to make it a reality. The Pepsi Refresh grant can make a big difference, bringing us that much closer to a cure.
What you do right now really matters. Please send the link to everyone you know and ask them to join you in voting for Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. It’s a very small step, but one that could mean the world of difference to Alzheimer’s sufferers everywhere.
Voting runs now through April 30th, and remember, you can vote once a day so vote early and vote often!