Deborah Blacker, M.D., Sc.D.

Dr. Blacker is a geriatric psychiatrist with a doctoral degree in genetic epidemiology, and serves as Director of the Gerontology Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her primary work concerns the clinical and genetic epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease. She is extensively involved in efforts to locate genes that contribute to AD risk, including several different projects to collect, evaluate, and follow clinical samples for the study of AD genetics. She is the psychiatrist for the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, where she helped to establish an AD Genetic Counseling Unit.

In parallel with her efforts to identify AD genes, she works with a group based at the Harvard School of Public Health to develop new methods for the genetic study of complex diseases, including family-based association tests and methods to estimate the magnitude of genetic risk. Last, she has recently become the principal investigator of a program project on the clinical, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging phenomenology of prodromal AD, and the genetic and environmental risk factors affecting the transition from mild memory difficulties to frank AD.

Related Research:

Longitudinal Study of AD Genotypes Deborah Blacker 2011-02-11

Funded Research

These projects were made possible from Cure Alzheimer's Fund support.

Project Description Researchers Funding
Longitudinal Study of AD Genotypes 2006


Selected Publications

These published papers resulted from Cure Alzheimer’s Fund support.

Schjeide, B. M., Hooli, B., Parkinson, M., Hogan, M. F., DiVito, J., Mullin, K., Blacker, D., Tanzi, R. E., & Bertram, L. GAB2 as an Alzheimer Disease Susceptibility Gene, Archives of Neurology, February 1, 2009, Read More

Schjeide, B. M., McQueen, M. B., Mullin, K., DiVito, J., Hogan, M. F., Parkinson, M., Hooli, B., Lange, C., Blacker, D., Tanzi, R. E., & Bertram, L. Assessment of Alzheimer’s disease case-control associations using family-based methods, Neurogenetics, February 1, 2009, Read More

Bertram, L., Lange, C., Mullin, K., Parkinson, M., Hsiao, M., Hogan, M. F., Schjeide, B. M., Hooli, B., Divito, J., Ionita, I., Jiang, H., Laird, N., Moscarillo, T., Ohlsen, K. L., Elliott, K., Wang, X., Hu-Lince, D., Ryder, M., Murphy, A., Wagner, S. L., Blacker, D., … Tanzi, R. E. Genome-wide Association Analysis Reveals Putative Alzheimer’s Disease Susceptibility Loci in Addition to APOE, American Journal of Human Genetics, October 30, 2008, Read More