Posted August 30, 2012
A study just published in the New England Journal of Medicine points to the value of conducting a new series of Alzheimer’s prevention studies, suggests Cure Alzheimer’s Consortium member Sam Gandy in an accompanying NEJM editorial. The study, led by Washington University’s Randall J. Bateman, found that patients with a more genetic-oriented form of Alzheimer’s experience a rise in beta-amyloid (Aβ) up to 25 years before symptoms begin — and an increased level of tau protein up to 15 years before symptoms. This, says Gandy, means that recent (Aβ) drug trials have been targeting patients far too advanced in the disease. New trials should target adults in their 40s and 50s with family history of Alzheimer’s.
– Read the ABC News story here; also featuring Cure Alzheimer’s Fund great friend Bob Demarco of the Alzheimer’s Reading Room
– Read New England Journal study here.