Linda McHugh honors her mother by creating hand-crafted jewelry.
Her CureAlz hero journey in her own words.
“I am the only child of a wonderful mother, Mary Nascimento, and we always enjoyed a very close relationship. As my mother’s Alzheimer’s worsened, it broke my heart to witness her decline. I also felt helpless and frustrated that there was nothing I could do to stop Alzheimer’s and alleviate her suffering.
During the many stressful nights when I couldn’t sleep, I would create paintings on small canvases. I then mounted portions of the paintings under glass cabochons to make jewelry, which I would give to family and friends. One night I was particularly upset and longing for a way I could help my mother, along with other current and future victims of Alzheimer’s. Suddenly it came to me, perhaps by divine intervention, that I could sell my jewelry to raise money to donate to Alzheimer’s research! Right then my little business, “Art under Glass” was born.
After carefully researching several organizations, I was certain that the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund was my choice. To know that 100% of my donations are dedicated to research gave me a mission. By allocating all profits from my sales, along with donations from customers, I have been able to donate $2,000 to CAF. My goal now is to increase my customer base in order to donate more to this incredibly worthy cause.
When this horrific disease had finished stealing her mind and health, Alzheimer’s killed my beloved mother five months ago. May she rest in peace. Now all my donations are in her memory.” Linda McHugh

Visit Mary’s In Memory page by clicking here.