My grandmother, Lynn Copelan, passed away on October 19th, 2018 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. Since that time I have wanted to do something to honor her memory, that can also raise money for Alzheimer’s research, so that hopefully no other family will have to go through what mine did. That is why I am proud to announce the Spike Away Alzheimer’s tournament.
This Spikeball tournament will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2019, at Fowler Park in Cumming, Georgia, and 100% of the registration fees will be donated to the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. This tournament will be inclusive for players of all experience levels. There will be an advanced division where experienced players can come and compete against some of the top players in the southeast region. There will also be an intermediate division for people who have only played casually with friends that want to test their skills.
If you have never competed in a Spikeball tournament before, I strongly encourage you to make this your first. Saturday, June 1st will be a great day with lots of fun competition amongst great people. More importantly it will be a day where we can all come together to hopefully raise a lot of money for a wonderful cause.
Click on Spike Away Alzheimers to learn more.