Posted November 4, 2011
Leaders Engaged in Alzheimer’s Disease (LEAD), an open coalition of Alzheimer’s research, care and advocacy communities in which Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is an active member, meets regularly to review progress toward a more rational and effective approach to eradicating Alzheimer’s.
Last December, the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA) passed with an overwhelming bipartisan majority in Congress. The Act established an Advisory Council made up of representatives of government agencies involved with Alzheimer’s and included twelve non-government representatives. The Council is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and reports directly to Secretary of HHS Kathleen Sibelius.
LEAD recently convened four work groups corresponding to the subcommittees established by the Council to develop recommendations for the creation of a national strategy to more effectively combat Alzheimer’s disease and care for its victims. The report and set of recommendations produced by LEAD reflects the voices of hundreds of Alzheimer’s researchers, caregivers, patients, and advocacy organizations.
Tim Armour, President and CEO of Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, chaired the workgroup on Research, which also included Dr. Rudy Tanzi and Dr. David Holtzman, Chair and member respectively of Cure Alzheimer’s Fund Research Consortium.
We commend this document to your attention and ask you to note the many organizations and people who contributed. See the report here.