Posted October 25, 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan (Jony) Kipnis on being named a recipient of the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award. This prestigious award recognizes researchers who are pushing the boundaries of science by tackling research questions categorized as “high-risk; high-reward.” According to director of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins, this award supports exceptionally innovative researchers who will have the potential to transform the biomedical field. This program is legendary for supporting cutting-edge and compelling biomedical research that may struggle in the traditional peer review process by nature of adopting an outside-the-box approach.
Dr. Kipnis’ research investigates the interactions between the immune system and the brain. His goal is to determine the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of the immune system in promoting brain function in neurodegeneration as well as in healthy aging. Dr. Kipnis recently had a breakthrough discovery, with a grant provided by Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, which was published in Nature and described lymphatic vessels that drain the central nervous system and serve as a connection between the brain and the immune system.
Photo credit: Dan Addison | UVA Communications