Posted January 12, 2015
In an effort to bring people concerned about Alzheimer’s disease together, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund (CAF) held two private screenings of the film “Still Alice,” based on the best-selling novel by Lisa Genova and starring Julianne Moore, who won an Oscar for her role in the film. The screenings were held in New York City and the other in Newton, Mass.
The New York event served as a kickoff for the NYC Young Professionals Group, and more than 50 children and grandchildren of Alzheimer’s disease sufferers from the group attended. Event organizers Lee Goldfarb and Allison Dorman, with help from Ellen McCance Pinschmidt and Emily Magid, spread the word and planned an inspiring evening. The viewing was followed by cocktails and a question-and-answer discussion with Sally Rosenfield, Senior Vice President, CAF, and David Shenk, author of The Forgetting.
The Newton event, which attracted 220 viewers and was completely sold out, helped to raise awareness and educate attendees about the disease. ”Still Alice” author Genova, writer Greg O’Brien (who suffers from early onset Alzheimer’s), CAF Research Consortium Chairman Rudy Tanzi and CAF Senior Vice President Mike Curren led a discussion after the film.
Copies of “Still Alice” were distributed at both events. Genova asks in her book for research donations, and she has raised over $5,000 for CAF to date. To purchase your copy, visit http://lisagenova.com.