Dear Family and Friends,
My grandmother, Diane Aeschliman, is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s and I will be running my third half marathon this August in an effort to raise money for the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. 100% of donations go directly to research. My paternal grandmother and great grandmother also suffered from this devastating disease, and I hope and believe that one of the researchers funded by Cure Alzheimer’s will one day find a cure.
My grandmother Diane, or Nonna as I call her, is someone who always loved being in nature—she spent her life focused on the beauty in her surroundings as expressed through her painting. Like her, I have always been drawn to spending time outdoors. I decided to run the Kennebunkport half marathon trail run with this in mind since all of the proceeds from the race fees will go toward educational programs run by the conservation trust. Running through the wooded trails seems like the perfect way to feel connected to her.
If someone you know and love has had the misfortune of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, please consider making a donation. Because I also want to do something to positively impact the lives of those currently living with the disease, for every $150 that is raised for the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, my family will donate a Jellycat stuffed animal to give comfort to someone in the late stages of Alzheimer’s. My siblings and I were able to distribute 35 Jellycats (after a generous donation from the Jellycat company) to the residents of my grandmother’s memory care facility back in April, and they brought a lot of smiles.
Many thanks for your consideration!
P.S. If you shop on Amazon, also please consider setting up an Amazon Smile account so that a portion of your spending goes to the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. As of two days ago, Amazon donated over $26,000 in total to The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund because of shoppers using Amazon Smile.