Ann MacLaren Cathcart
1932 – 2016
Ann MacLaren Cathcart was born November 29, 1932, and passed away on December 15, 2016, surrounded by her family.
Ann was born to Marion Rule Holden MacLaren and Duncan MacLaren in Bennington, VT. She moved to the Texas Gulf Coast as a young girl, and lived in Freeport with her family, graduating from Brazosport High School in 1949. She graduated from Rice University in 1953, when she began work at Dow Chemical Company.
In 1955, she met and married Raymond Franklin Cathcart; they had two children, John Duncan and Lucy. In 1976, Ann and Raymond moved to Houston. In 1979, she completed her Certified Public Accountant licensing, and practiced as a CPA with Heaton & Cathcart until her retirement. She returned to live in Lake Jackson in 2014.
Ann is survived by her husband of 61 years, Raymond; her children Duncan (and Cindy) Cathcart; Lucy (and Steven) Moore. She also was a loving grandmother to Joshua Cathcart; Bryce (and Kelsey) Cathcart; Nicholas Cathcart; Marshall Moore; Garrett Moore; and great-grandmother to Kayda Cathcart.
In lieu of customary remembrances, donations may be made in Ann’s name to Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, https://curealz.org/in-memory/ann-maclaren-cathcart, or the Rice University Shepherd School of Music, http://www.giving.rice.edu.